Friday, August 30, 2013


Rubina Ramesh is the owner of the blog The Book Club where she writes book reviews and author interviews regularly. These pertain predominantly to the romance genre while she also writes about other books.

Rubina has done me the honour of not just reviewing my book DOUBLE JEOPARDY, but also doing my very first interview as an author. I am super-thrilled to present it here.

Here is an excerpt:

Q: As a writer when you blog your stories, don't you feel that you are losing out on publishing your stories. That you would do more justice if you publish them, even as a self published ebook?

A: I am 'publishing' my books on my blog. Yes, I lose out on the royalty. There are two angles to publishing. One is being read by people across the globe and the other is money. For 13 years, I had neither. Atleast over the past 3-4 years, my work is read by a number of people. Even if I am published by the best brand, what is the guarantee that my books will be sold? Yes, it would be fantastic if I turned out to be a JK Rowling or an Amish Tripathi. So far there is no indication of that.  I just got fed up with waiting and 'published' my own work for free. I have no regrets. This way at least I write regularly and do get feedback occasionally. Then there are those page hits. Total nasha!

CLICK HERE to read the Book Review & Author Interview by Rubina Ramesh in her blog The Book Club

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