Monday, November 28, 2016

Tornado Giveaway 3: KASHMIR HOUSE by Vikram Dhawan

Name of the book: Kashmir House
Author: Vikram Dhawan
Read some reviews:

1. Ninad Manapure
2. Gaurang Agrawal 
3. Tushar Ganvir

The Story:

"A society is judged by how they treat their women and, a country is judged by how they treat their brave." An ego tussle between a politician and a bureaucrat perils Deep Assets inside the enemy territory. A holocaust survivor borrows knowhow from slayers of his family for profit. An honourable leader challenges the Witches & Wizards of the system. An atheist adversary who strikes in the name of god. Kashmir, a playground for settling scores.

You can buy the book @

About The Author 

  Vikram is well-traveled, well-read and passionate about world history and is inspired by personal experiences of soldiers, spies and survivors of wars across the globe.

Stalk him @

Check out all the books of Tornado here 

Go to Book No. 63 >> Menaka's Choice by Kavita KanĂ© 

#TornadoGiveaway is an initiative of The Book Club. Click on the icon to go to the event page of the Tornado .. Lots of fun awaits you :)

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