Does that startle you? But believe me, it has happened. The solution to all the problems man is facing today – floods, famines, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, bomb-blasts, accidents, thefts, murders, recession, etc. etc. etc.
God has finally descended on earth to help man get out of the vicious cycle he has fallen into.
Amma Bhagavan are - Goddess & God; Yin & Yang; feminine & masculine however you interpret the universal power that has taken human forms and come down to save us.
Amma Bhagavan have established the Oneness UniverCity at Varadaiahpalem, Andhra Pradesh, India. The courses conducted by this University helps people understand themselves and those around them. One learns to set right one's relationships with those around one, especially parents and children. One also learns to accept oneself for what he/she is.
There are separate courses offered for youth between 15 & 30 years. The duration is just 3 days, but what they learn is enough to get them by for their whole life and beyond. Youth are taught how to become successful in their careers, to achieve their dreams and goals and to respect their parents.

One can also take darshan of Amma Bhagavan at the Oneness Golden Temple, a mammoth structure made of marble – a temple built for man.
If you are a Hindu, just imagine coming face to face with Ram/Sita, Krishna/Radha, Vishnu/Mahalakshmi.
If you are a Christian, think you are face to face with Jesus Christ along with his parents - God and Goddess.
So on and so forth. A darshan of Amma Bhagavan takes you so much forward in life. What is the purpose of the birth of these Avatars?
Amma Bhagavan have taken birth on this earth to end man's sufferings and turn Kaliyug into Satyug or the Golden Age.

They are not for promoting any particular religion as Bhagavan says that God has no religion or all religions have sprung from the same God or power.
Bhagavan's teachings are all through our own experiences. He insists that one should not believe unless one has a specific experience of God.
Some of the sites that you can visit for more info and pictures are:
a beautiful article! people who do not know AB will but believe in God will definitely be interested in knowing more about AB after reading this