Thursday, October 1, 2009


I know it sounds pretty self-involved talking about my birthday celebrations. But I have to share this with one and all.

I had the biggest surprise of my life when a group of friends from WEB 18 barged into our section - Nicky, Sagina, Nilima, Shilpa, Vaishali and Chaitanya - in the evening around 4 pm. They were loudly singing Happy Birthday and almost had me blushing.

They were armed with a fruit cake from Mongini's, a knife and a camera. What more could a birthday woman ask for?

They sang wildly while they made me cut the cake, fed it to me, ate some themselves, helped themselves to the chocolate bars (tiny ones) on my desk, wished me loudly, caught me on camera a number of times and burrped loudly before I shooed them away.

They made my birthday absolutely memorable. Thank you Guys! :D


  1. Vanakam dear :) Thats our ishtyle of celebrating friends birthdays ;). Still we were a lil subdued since people around were not enthu enough :D

    Hope you had a blast on your birthday! Enjoy the entire year.
