Saturday, September 6, 2014


Rubina Ramesh
It was a blessed day when I met Rubina Ramesh on social media a little more than a year ago. She has been a friend, guide, philosopher and a lot more to me. If I am a self-published author who is also successful today, I will give full credit to Rubina. She’s like a Tornado who works 24/7.

Blog Tour of Meghna – my third one with The Book Club – has been super successful thanks to Rubina and her team. Yes, Meghna’s been on the Amazon Contemporary Romance eBooks lists pretty often over the past few weeks.

Rubina Ramesh has reviewed Meghna while I got an opportunity to write a Guest Post on her blog. Thank you so much Rubina for that awesome review (I promise you guys that you will roll on the floor laughing when you read this hilarious piece) and letting me answer a question (through a Guest Post) that been running on many readers’ minds when they read Meghna.

About Rubina Ramesh (Courtesy:

I read, if possible, every moment of my waking life. Even while cooking I have audible books plugged into my ears. I am an Arts graduate with an MBA, but the thought of staying put in an office environment never appealed to me. I had a few stints of work life at Aptech and StarSQL. My friends and family call me a gypsy. Thankfully my husband's line of work allows us to travel all over the globe. 

Though I have been writing for a long time, I have only one short story published in an anthology. When I was 12, I had sent an article to Women's Era and it was rejected. I never sent one out again. But the Blogging world gave me a new confidence and after I started my own blog for promoting new authors and book reviews, the bug of writing bit me again and I picked up my pen again (literally). I have a strong belief “Every writer has a story to tell”. I hope I will be able to tell the stories that are made for me. 

Rubina Ramesh reviews Meghna:

Sundari: "Ok Rubina, cut the crap! Did you like the story or not?"
Gulp Gulp
Rubina: (whispers) "I hate you ..."
Sundari: shocked!
Rubina: "Then what, you write such simple stories. Putting lives into the characters, taken from people you know in real life. Simplicity is your poison, Sundari. Some will love it and some won't. But those who do will come back for more and more and more and..."
Sundari: "So this book will sell or not?
Rubina: "It has been on the bestseller list..."
Sundari: I rest my case :D

Click Here to read the complete review.

My Guest Post on Rubina’s blog:

Q: Sundari, you have a lip-lock situation in your story. How do you think our Indian audience will react to the lip-lock of a 16-year-old in your story? Do you think it is too bold for our Indian audience - especially the middle class society?

Guest Post: I attended a course on mothering at the Oneness University. It was truly an eye opener. The guide - a monk - taught me a number of truths about myself.

I realised that the tendency of an adult is to forget her own childhood days while handling her kid. My daughter was about seven years old at that point and I was highly troubled that she was a rebel. I had completely forgotten that I had been one myself as a kid. I was amazed when Akshayamati gently made me recall my tantrums as a child. After that, handling my daughter was almost a breeze.

Click Here to read the rest of the post.

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