Tuesday, March 27, 2012


In a mood to have soup one night, I just put together the ingredients I had at home and created this soup. Believe me, it was absolutely yummy!


Carrots – 2 cups (peeled and chopped to one inch pieces)
Moong Dal – ¼ cup
Turmeric Powder – 1 pinch
Salt – to taste
Black pepper powder – ½ tsp
Corn flour – 1 tsp
Cheese – 2 cubes (grated)
Coconut – 1 cup (grated)
Clove – 1
Garlic – 2 cloves


1. Take a pressure cooker and cook the carrots, moong dal, turmeric powder and salt along with water for two whistles.
2. Allow the mixture to cool before running it in the mixer-blender to make a smooth puree.
3. Take a thick-bottomed vessel or a saucepan, pour the carrot puree and keep it on a slow gas.
4. Add the coconut, clove and garlic to the blender along with water and grind smoothly. Strain this mixture through a fine mesh to get thick coconut milk. Add some more water to the coconut and run in blender once again. Strain this milk also and add to the first one. Once the milk is strained, the leftover coconut pulp has to be thrown away. Do not use it in the soup.
5. Add the corn flour and grated cheese to the coconut milk. Mix well before slowly adding it to the carrot puree while stirring continuously.
6. Allow the mixture to boil for 8-10 minutes. Add water if necessary to reach the right consistency of a thick soup. Check for salt before switching the gas off.
7. Serve in a soup bowl and sprinkle some black pepper over it.

Delicious and aromatic carrot soup is ready to drink. It’s oh so yum!


  1. Remove the coconut and it will all the more tastier

    1. The coconut milk gives it an aromatic flavour and that's what this soup is all about :)
      Thank you for the comment

  2. Thank you. Will definitely check it out!

  3. Wow, It looks so delicious!! Will try sometime.

    1. Hello Chandra Manni,
      welcome back from wherever you have been! Been missing your feedback :)
